EQuIP was funded by the Police and Crime Commissioner to work in partnership with Compass, to run joint sessions in the diverse communities and faith groups of Warwickshire to raise awareness of drug abuse, its long term impact and County Lines in the county. We particularly wanted to engage with diverse community members who have little or no knowledge of drugs and associated activities such as County Lines, and the long term impact of drug-taking, in a safe space where they could ask questions of an expert from Compass.

This session took place in March 2022 in Nuneaton and was delivered to the Khair in the Community group.
The session was delivered by Abbie Sutton – COMPASS worker and was well received. One of the ladies said that “ it was really good to have the drugs kit” the drugs kit was used as part of the session to inform on what different harmful substances look like.
EQuiP has to date delivered approximately 14 sessions to different community groups around the county.
Sukhi Virdee and Neelum Avesti (Sukhi) attended the ‘Know your Masala from your Spice’ session held at the Shree Krishna Temple Leamington