This project was started by WREP, the Warwickshire Race Equality Partnership, which evolved into EQuIP in 2017.
One issue we have championed in the last decade is safeguarding of older BME residents. During our work we found a number of barriers BME service users face in accessing social care services and healthcare and we investigated the work that needed to be done to raise awareness by agencies to ensure that BME Day Care settings had appropriate training in a language and format that suited them.
We have also highlighted the lack of referrals to safeguarding from BME communities. From the work EQuIP has been involved in, and case studies that have been collated, it is evident that there are safeguarding concerns but BME communities are less likely to report them.
We looked at some of the reasons and engaged with partners so that now:
- There is increased awareness of safeguarding, types of abuse and reporting procedures and support networks.
- Communities feel confident using the reporting procedures.
- Coordinators and community workers have a clear understanding of the local safeguarding arrangements and who to speak to /discuss/or raise a concern about a safeguarding matter.
- Feedback informs change to local safeguarding practice, policy and procedures and also influences policy development and strategic priorities.
More needs to be done but this project has enabled EQuIP to positively impact on service provision.